3x Art Boxes Giveaway!
Get clarity on what you truly want by making a drawing of your dream future, then turn this image into reality.

*no prior drawing skills required
Get clarity on what you truly want by making a drawing of your dream future, then turn this image into reality.

*no prior drawing skills required
You've got this beautiful desire to live a life that aligns with your inborn talents and your dreams, now you're looking for a way to get a clear picture of what it actually is, so as you can take inspired action and make your dream a reality
You have tried to see your career as your main goal
and gave it your best, but still you've felt unsatisfied as if there is something more you could do and be and you also cherish a rightful desire to express your creativity more.
You've tried lots
of new things
New activities, people and places. All these experiences gave you a wider view and some inspiration but you still struggled to put it all together into one picture and see what your soul's role among this festival of life is.
You've left yourself alone for a while
and trusted that the answer will come and you even got a few good ideas this way… could they be some fragments of a bigger picture?
…and yet…something prevented you from having a clear Vision of what you want to do with your life and why.
You are finally ready to do something amazing and creative in your life, while acting on a clear vision of your dream with total confidence, because you were born for it.
What if getting decisively clear on your creative vision (and ending the "I do not know what I will do when I grow up" forever mode) was as easy as… attending a fun 3 hrs drawing session?
Here are some things about dreams not so many people
talk about:
  • You were born to live the amazing creative life of your dreams. If someone or something told you otherwise, they misinformed you. If you have doubts, it is totally normal, and you will leave these doubts behind once you have a clear vision. You are already the person you dream to be. You just need to remove a layer of dust from the gold.
  • Most people are not clear about what they want. Then what is left for them is to focus on what they don't want in their life. Now guess what they are getting. If that has been your strategy so far, tell me where did it take you? And then imagine where will it take you in the next 5 years if you don't start focusing on your dreams? If not now, then when?
  • Now in a creative flow of drawing, that is deep and subconscious, it is totally possible to come back to who you are, your authentic desires and dreams. To connect to the child in you, who still remembers your dream and who is always ready to live it full-heartedly with joy, exuberance and freedom. Why else would you even be in this world?
...and that's where the 3 modern drawing techniques come in
You get into a meditative state of introspection while using these simple but impressive techniques and you connect to a deeper part of you that already knows all the answers
Your dream is revealed to you in a form of an image! An image…speaks not only a 1000 words, it speaks directly to your subconscious and to the universe.

In fact, the very moment you make this picture, your dream future is already on its way into your reality. The universe conspires in your favour once it knows exactly what to deliver!
Introducing . . . Dream'n'Draw
Step 1.
You let go of fears and false perceptions that kept you from dreaming.
We will start with a technique that will help you suspend ALL limitations, fears and disbelief that you might have been accepting from the world around you up until this workshop.
Step 2.
You realise your talents and your unique creative voice
The technique that will connect you to who you are and what you love doing the most while helping you see the large variety of talents that you already have. Even if you have been thinking "I am not so talented" during the workshop you will see how far that was from the truth.
Step 3.
You co-create your future
The technique helps you to be guided by your subconscious and bring some important clues to the surface. You put these insights together into a dream vision and this image gives you the clarity and courage that you need to start living your dream. Now, THIS is art!
Insider Tip
When you have a clear vision, then you start attracting less of the things that feel boring and constraining and you just magnetize to you more and more of the things that feel meaningful, that help and inspire other people and bring freedom and joy to you.
Here's everything that's included

LIVE training - part 1
value $97
LIVE training - part 2
value $97
"Co-creating your future LIFE"
LIVE training - part 3
value $97
7 quick daily drawing assignments
value $47
The Visual workbook to discover your dream
value $27
Pop up Facebook community
Here's everything that's included
"Removing obstacles to dreaming"
value $97
LIVE training - section 1
"Brain/Heart - storming your possibilities"
value $97
LIVE training - section 2
"Co-creating your future
value $97
LIVE training - section 3
value $47
7 Quick daily drawing assignments
value $27
The Visual workbook to discover your dream
pop up Facebook community of creators
Total value 365$
Today's price: just $27
Here's exactly what we'll cover during the
"Dream'n'Draw" workshop

"Removing obstacles to dreaming"
45 mins
✓ How to make amazing drawings without fear or hesitation even if you never tried before.
✓ How to produce a lot of images by focusing on concepts rather than slick finish
✓ How to get into a state of creative flow instantly
✓ How to create space for dreaming regularly in your life, keeping visual record of your dreams - so as they can come true.
✓ Meeting yourself exercise - deciding what you want to let go of, so as you can let in what you desire

Brain/Heart - storming your possibilities
45 mins
✓ Listing your talents in a way that makes you look where you have not looked just yet
✓ Visually placing all your talents and strengths into one place, so as you can see what a miracle of a being you are
✓ Colour association for revealing your personality energetic code
✓ Visualising a bigger picture for your life so as you can keep your energy sky high
✓ The visual IKIGAI chart that can help you organise all this variety into your best next move

Co-creating your future
45 mins
✓ Why the trials of your life are your greatest gifts and how to use them to your advantage
✓ Extracting value from even making mistakes, so as you are no longer afraid to make one, ever
✓ Receiving clues from your subconscious about your life direction through the intuitive artistic process.
✓ Letting go of unprocessed emotions by expressing them in bold contemporary technique.
✓ Creating a "future self" image in the technique, that allows for spontaneity and receiving hints from life itself.
  • BONUS #1
    I am going to teach the entire training LIVE, because I plan to pack it up as an on-demand digital course in the future.

    Yess, I am going to go LIVE for the 3 hrs drawing session in order to MAKE SURE that you get the most of this transformative training and I can help you navigate each step of the way.

    I want this course to answer ALL of your questions and be a life-changing experience for you and the future dreamers, who will go through the recordings.
  • BONUS #2
    In addition to that you will have 7 DAILY short drawing assignments sent to you via e-mail so as you know exactly what to do each day, should you wish to take your experience even beyond our main LIVE drawing session and keep practising on your own after the workshop.

    On top of that, you will have a supportive community during this bonus week, where you can share your experiments knowing for sure that you will receive only encouragement and inspiration from your fellow creative dreamers!

    When you go through this round of the course with me you will have your questions answered LIVE and get the level of accountability and support that future classes won't get.
  • BONUS #1
    I am going to teach the entire training LIVE, because I plan to pack it up as an on-demand digital course in the future.

    Yess, I am going to go LIVE for the 3 hrs drawing session in order to MAKE SURE that you get the most of this transformative training and I can help you navigate each step of the way.

    I want this course to answer ALL of your questions and be a life-changing experience for you and the future dreamers, who will go through the recordings.
  • BONUS #2
    In addition to that you will have 7 DAILY short drawing assignments sent to you via e-mail so as you know exactly what to do each day, should you wish to take your experience even beyond our main LIVE drawing session and keep practising on your own after the workshop.

    On top of that, you will have a supportive community during this bonus week, where you can share your experiments knowing for sure that you will receive only encouragement and inspiration from your fellow creative dreamers!

    When you go through this round of the course with me you will have your questions answered LIVE and get the level of accountability and support that future classes won't get.
What about drawing skills?
Don't worry, I've got your back!
All levels are welcome. On this course drawing Is not a goal in itself, but rather a tool of self-discovery. We will focus on getting your best ideas out there on paper, rather than making something perfect or realistic. The fun side-bonus is that with the simple "shortcuts" that I will teach you, you will make the work that actually looks amazing very easily.

Let's discover your authentic dream on a drawing session - without limiting yourself to any ready-made scenarios!
I love modern art techniques because they remove old limitations and inspire to be courageous and bold about one's future
Hey, I'm Inessa!

A couple of years ago, my career was thriving, but I was not.

I would fly half of the globe from Moscow to Hong Kong and back for a weekend just to try and stimulate myself with exotic cityscapes because I felt so uninspired. Later on, in my corporate job in London, my relationships with people were so superficial, that the person I felt the deepest connection to in my life was the one who would make me a coffee in a bar on my way to the office.

It is then when I started learning contemporary art techniques by taking a drawing course in London, taking part in first group shows with my paintings and hanging out with artists and seeing what they make. It is there that I had this experience of remembering who I am. I let my heart go and decided to just "draw" a fulfilling life for myself!

Now I know exactly what my creative DNA is and I am building my life and my career around that. I love modern art, teaching and travelling and my work is exactly the combination of the three.

I strongly believe that anyone can invent their unique dream life and live it with joy and fulfilment. But first one must know what that dream is!

That is why I packaged the most transformative techniques that I have discovered in 6 years and that helped me discover and manifest my dream into this breakthrough workshop. Because the world now more than ever needs people who live out loud who they truly are. And I'm sure that you are destined to live your dream too. You have some gift in you that the world needs to see expressed, you would not be reading this otherwise.

HEY, I'm Inessa!

A couple of years ago, my career was thriving, but I was not.

I would fly half of the globe from Moscow to Hong Kong and back for a weekend just to try and stimulate myself with exotic cityscapes because I felt so uninspired. Later on, in my corporate job in London, my relationships with people were so superficial, that the person I felt the deepest connection to in my life was the one who would make me a coffee in a bar on my way to the office.

It is then when I started learning contemporary art techniques by taking a drawing course in London, taking part in first group shows with my paintings and hanging out with artists and seeing what they make. It is there that I had this experience of remembering who I am. I let my heart go and decided to just "draw" a fulfilling life for myself!

Now I know exactly what my creative DNA is and I am building my life and my career around that. I love modern art, teaching and travelling and my work is exactly the combination of the three.

I strongly believe that anyone can invent their unique dream life and live it with joy and fulfilment. But first one must know what that dream is!

That is why I packaged the most transformative techniques that I have discovered in 6 years and that helped me discover and manifest my dream into this breakthrough workshop. Because the world now more than ever needs people who live out loud who they truly are. And I'm sure that you are destined to live your dream too. You have some gift in you that the world needs to see expressed, you would not be reading this otherwise.

After the "Dream'n'Draw" workshop, you will…
  • 1
    Remove the limitations and unprocessed emotions that were hiding your dream from you
  • 2
    Learn to make decisions that are aligned with your nature during the creative process
  • 3
    Visually see the multitude of your talents, making your rich creative personality obvious to you
  • 4
    Give structure to your talents so you can choose the right combination for your next move.
  • 5
    Turn the combination of your innate talents into a custom-designed dream life that will be a reflection of your soul and enrich other people's lives.
Still got questions? I've got answers…
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>>100% risk free<<
You are covered by our
7 days money-back guarantee.