I often hear from people that they do not know what their unique gift is and they do not identify themselves as creative.

However, powerful creative energy is already embedded within each of us and there are many ways to let this flow into our lives. In the master class we will study 3 modern techniques for revealing one's creative potential.
Inessa Garder
painter, traveler
3 hrs | 3 techniques >
The technique for modelling the future in the flow of creativity | by INESSA GARDER

Where modern art techniques meet neurographics Neurographics is a type of art therapy that deals with psychology and how our neurons in the brain interact. By drawing - we can change the structure of the brain!

Well, Modern art techniques are a complete breakaway, rebellion and uncompromising freedom.

A new chapter in your life can be felt and created from the inside - with the help of line, movement, colour

Your strategy in Human Design>

you already have everything to go your own unique way with ease, joy, grace.

In the master class, I will tell you about your type according to the Human Design system and about your decision-making strategy.

The idea is that the strategies that are suitable for you are already "imprinted" in you by the stars at the moment of birth and it is better to move according to this plan - than in spite of it, because this way you will be realized easier and faster, larger and brighter

MIND MOVIE * is a well-known technique for visualizing the future, which I will adapt for you in a master class into Russian and for a 20-minute interval.

It will reveal your unlimited potential and launch your creative realization into space
(and this is not a metaphor!)
I have designed this program in order to help you unleash your creative energy and be an artist in your life, no matter what you do in your work.

There are many ways to make a creative breakthrough: you can take your career or your business to the next level. You can start a new art hobby and gradually make it your primary occupation. You can create new relationships or completely transform the existing ones.
Everything you can imagine is real.
Pablo Picasso
Actually, you can do ANYTHING if you reveal creativity in yourself.
Come to the master class and we will start this exciting process together.

Your guide in the flow of creativity and transformation:
Inessa Garder >
graduate of Novosibirsk State Academy of Architecture and Fine Arts, Scuola Politecnica di Design, Milan as well as a summer course at the University of Arts, London.

Travelled the world for 10 years working as an interior designer in renowned studios (ZDA-Milan, Carlo Berrarducci architecture - Rome, Bernaskoni - Moscow, Aedas - London)

Participated in three exhibitions in London with the paintings (Tribe 16, Londoner's Compass at Strand Gallery, Tribe 17 International Arts Festival @ Oxo Tower Wharf)

Made 30 paintings in India and participated with them in two exhibitions (Rishikesh International Film & Art Festival, Open Arts Fest, Rishikesh)
+7 981 153 7195

Business Registration Details:
Individual entrepreneur | Garder Inessa Igorevna
INN: 5 4 0 6 9 7 1 7 3 1 8 9
OGRN: 3 2 1 5 4 7 6 0 0 0 8 4 7 5 0